
John Y


John Y

Co-Founder of Hot House Yoga 2005 and Yax Yoga Concepts 2008

I found yoga in 2000 looking for a way to cross-train and heal from rigorous Mix Martial Arts training. I realized it was more than a way of healing, but a deeper way of living life.

Favorite quote: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his Purpose.” Romans 8:28

Favorite Pose: Savasana (one of the most challenging)

Favorite playlist song: Khaleegi Stomp by Thievery Corporation

Yoga has given me the stillness of mind and levels of self-awareness to listen to the voice of my Soul.

Jo U

Jo U

YYC graduating class of
2021 (YTT-200), 2023 (YTT-300)

How did Yoga find you & how long ago? I’ve been practicing for over 15 years. I started practicing yoga in college to relax and move my body in an easy way. I kept it up after I was commissioned into the Navy to help with the mental and physical stress of the job.

Favorite quote: “It is quite a revelation to discover that the place you wanted to escape to is the exact same place you escaped from. That the prison wasn’t the place, but the perspective.” – Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

Favorite pose: It’s so hard to choose just one! I love standing bow & handstands because they are so fun but Mountain pose makes me feel super powerful and grounded.

Favorite song on your yoga playlist?: Central Park by Headphone Activist

Yoga has given me the space to be more present for myself which in turn betters all my relationships with others too. That’s the beauty of getting on your mat everyday; even if it’s just for a few minutes – it positively affects every facet of your life.

Leah B

Leah B

200 hour teacher training graduate in 2016 and 500 hour in 2017.

I started practicing yoga in 2010. I was looking for the physical connection and release; I stayed for the mental connection and release. I love how you can taylor your practice to meet you where you are on the mat and that connection spills over off the mat.

“God wants us to have soft hearts and hard feet. The trouble with so many of us is that we have hard hearts and soft feet.” Jackie Pullinger

My favorite yoga pose can definitly change per day. As of recent, I have been really appreciating Lizard Lunge and all the variations and subtleties it has to offer.

Seasons change and like the seasons, preferences change as we grow and as our practice grows. Lately, I have been connecting with “First Love/ Embers” by Kari Jobe, as a reminder to keep the flame of my heart lit and centered.

Incorporating yoga into my daily routine has given me so many gifts, but the one that stands out is the gift of time, space, and relationships, especially with my Creator. Realizing the importance of every borrowed breath was my biggest light bulb moment.

Marianne W

Marianne W

I completed my 200 hour teacher training in 2020 and began teaching at Hot House that same year. I completed the 300 hour training in 2023. Both of my trainings were with Yax Yoga Concepts.

I found yoga in 2004, exploring several local studios. As a recovering gymnast, I was looking for a way to move my body that incorporated strength and flexibility while also healing the aches and pains that were beginning to show up in my body. I walked into Hot House just after they opened their doors in 2005 and never looked back because…when you know, you know.

This quote has always resonated deeply with me, both as a student and now as a teacher. “You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and vibrantly alive in repose.” -Indira Gandhi The discernment to know when to be still and when to come alive (on or off the mat) IS practicing yoga and being vibrantly alive is my highest goal.

My favorite yoga pose is Dancing Shiva. It’s balance, strength, flexibility and stillness. It requires a clear, focused mind and calm, steady breath, which is the very heart of our practice.

Music is such a big part of the experience we create and I love creating playlists. My favorite song (right now) is LACE by Random Rab because it begins when we start to slow everything down near the end of practice. It fills the room with beautiful sound and creates space for peace and stillness to enter.

The gifts of my yoga practice are many. I came to yoga to become stronger and more flexible and to improve my physical health. What I quickly discovered was that would happen very naturally through consistent practice. What I wasn’t prepared for was the deep knowing of myself. I learned to move my body to quiet my mind. I learned how to breathe and how my breath can literally change my physical, mental and emotional states. I learned how to be still and become a witnessing presence rather than a reactive maniac. I truly met myself on my mat and I deepen that knowledge each and every time I practice. Yoga saved my life and I am only ever grateful.

Meag L

Meag L

YYC graduating class of 2023

How did Yoga find you & how long ago?

I started casually doing yoga in a college gym in 2012. It was a slow burn where I did it casually at different gyms until I was introduced to Hot House in 2020 and fell IN LOVE with hot yoga! I fell in love with both how it made me feel physically and mentally. I made it my New Year’s Resolution that year to passionately pursue yoga and I haven’t looked back since!

Favorite quote: “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Favorite pose: Extended side angle!

Favorite song on your yoga playlist?: “Eleuthera” by Tor and “LV” by Robot Robit!

What’s the biggest gift that Yoga has given to you?: The community of beautiful souls I’ve encountered through my pursuit of yoga 🤍

Meah H

Meah H

200hr: 2016 & 300hr: 2019

I found yoga when I was attending college in 2007. In the midst of an anxiety attack, I dropped all of my classes online. I went to see a therapist and she suggested yoga may be a good way to learn to relax. My first class was a 90 minute Bikram class that didn’t seem at all relaxing. However, the more I practiced the more I found myself in a calmer state of mind when I had to leave my mat and go back into the real world.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

Favorite Pose: Standing Bow

Favorite Song on my Playlist: Blau -Sine

Yoga has given me more than I could ever express, but probably the biggest gift it’s given me is to be able to reframe my view on life’s struggles. Yoga constantly reminds me that struggles create tremendous opportunities to grow.

Melanie S

Melanie S

YYC graduating class of 2016

I found yoga about 14 years ago in college. I took an Ashtanga yoga course for a physical education credit.

Favorite quote: “A miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love…that shift in perspective changes everything.” Marianne Williamson

My favorite pose is Pigeon. I love the stillness within so much sensation.

Favorite song on my yoga playlist: I’ve really been enjoying Two Thousand Seventeen by Four Tet

The biggest gift that yoga has given me is my ability to change my thought patterns which creates more peace in me and who I interact with.

Sandie F

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200 Hour YTT-2018, 300 Hour YTT-2023

I tried yoga a few times at different places, but found yoga at Hot house in 2011. I was training for the Shamrock marathon and needed more stretching, and thought the heat would be great after a cold training run! I fell in love with the practice-I no longer run, but I’ve maintained a steady yoga practice.

Favorite Quote: Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are -Brene Brown

Favorite Pose: Half Moon-I like the combination of strength and balance while opening the hips and chest

Favorite Song on your Yoga Playlist-Didjital Vibrations-Jamiroquai

Biggest gift Yoga has given: A regular practice has relieved stress and brought peace to my life!

Meredith R

Meredith R

I graduated from 200hr in December, 2016 and 300hr in August, 2023.

I found yoga when I was living in Indonesia in 2013, almost 11 years ago.

Favorite Quote: It’s a tie, “Wherever you are, be all there” and “Today I choose to be, grateful for the things that I have, kind to myself and others and happy to be alive, present, here and now.”

Favorite pose: Standing Bow

Favorite song: Temple of Silence by Deuter

The biggest gift yoga has given me: strength, joy and peace.