The Real Purpose of the Practice

Our Big Why

Why practice yoga? What is the purpose? In our 20’s we practiced yoga to get better at yoga. It was all about the poses and wanting to keep progressing into more advanced expressions like Handstands and Splits. Now we’re older. We’re husbands and fathers and WHY we practice has completely changed. Now we practice to keep doing what we love to do, to keep our passions alive and feel fully charged each day. We practice to be able to play and surf and train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with our kids. We practice to keep love and intimacy in our relationships. We practice to be able to skillfully handle the inevitable challenges of loss in our lives without letting them dim our joy and enthusiasm for living. The truth is everyone is battling against aging, the negative effects of stress and the emotional challenges of loss. This is the reality of what it means to be alive. But very few people know how to train to win the fight for their lives.

Therapeutic Vision

Our Therapeutic Vision is the method by which we put together the poses of every class (what we call “sequencing”). This method of sequencing is based on the anatomy of the body, specifically the myofascial lines, which are 7 lines of connective tissue (basically what connects the bones of the body together) that run throughout the entire body. Each line has both posture and movement functions, and every line effects all other lines. The key to aging gracefully, living pain-free, and keeping your body feeling mobile and fluid as we age all comes down to maintaining proper strength and flexibility of these lines. Every class we teach follows our Therapeutic Vision. Its how we create a strong, flexible, pain-free body that can stand the test of time.

Relieve Stress

Stress is a part of life. In fact, a 2016 study by the CDC concluded that over 90% of doctor’s visits were from stress related illnesses. The tell tale sign of stress is incessant worrying, constant thinking.. when the mind just won’t shut up. The secret not just in relieving stress but being able to manage it in the moment all comes down to your BREATH. Breathing deeply, in the way we teach at Hot House, activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which is the calming portion of our nervous system. It relaxes you. When you’re focused on breathing deeply AND coordinating the breath with moving the body in and out of poses, two very beneficial things are happening: 1. You’re not thinking about the stressor itself 2. You’re activating the calming portion of the nervous system. Every class we teach ends with a guided relaxation meditation to help you carry that calm with you throughout the rest of your day.

Focus Equals Feeling

Can you stop thinking at will? Have you found that “off” button for your mind? Maybe the biggest secret in all of yoga is the fact that it is as much a mental practice as a physical one. It trains the mind as much as the body. Isn’t it true that what you focus on directly effects how you feel? And how you feel in any moment governs the quality of your life. It follows that being able to control what flows through the mind, ie. what you focus on, is perhaps the single most life transforming skillset you can cultivate. It is possible to train the mind, to be intentional with your focus, to choose how you want to feel in each moment and enhance the quality of your life. This is the heart of what we teach at Hot House.

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Learn the secrets of how to start the practice, gain flexibility, relieve stress, and get the results you’re looking for without ever feeling like a beginner.

Virginia Beach Studio
1952 Laskin Rd Suite 507
Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Norfolk Studio
738 West 22nd St
Norfolk VA 23517

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